An interview with CEO Christopher Hay: Embracing challenges and the new normal
What are the main challenges you’ve had as the company’s CEO?
- Challenges always change over time. Ten years ago, we were finding it difficult to find and hire key people to help us expand. But as we grew and the company’s name became more known, people started applying to get a job with us and I’m really proud this is a challenge that we seem to have under control.
- Another one is the Globalization process. In the last three years, our factory expansion in the Dominican Republic has forced us to realize that the systems & processes that made our company work in China could not be easily duplicated in other parts of the world, as they relied on too much human experience. So, in order to globalize the company, we had to standardize and digitize our Business systems, processes, technology, and machine platforms. Today we are starting to see the results and I am proud to say that our Dominican Republic operation has been able to cope with the last few months of it is highest sales.
- Now due to Covid-19 restrictions, working remotely is going to be a very important part of our business in order to continue to deliver the millions of products every month to our customers. Our incredibly hard-working staff, in China, Hong Kong and the Dominican Republic along with the support of customers has been able to overcome many difficulties. By setting high standards of how to keep employees safe, while maintaining efficient, and productive operations.
What’s your perspective as CEO for the “new normal”?
Everything is changing. Definitely travel restrictions are going to be one of the main challenges for the globalization of the company and in this sense working remotely is going be how we conduct business in order to move forward.
What priorities have prevailed during this time to safeguard the security of the company's employees?
The highest priority during this time of Covid-19 has been staff Safety. Now my main priorities have been to keep involved in all aspects of the operations and customers.
During the pandemic, I’ve been attending as many videoconferences calls as possible in order to be as close as possible even if it’s digitally. We have had Town Halls via Zoom with over 200 of the top leaders. But as soon as we’re allowed to travel, my priority will be to meet with the team, see our customers, visit our factories and be actively present again.
I would also like to express my wholehearted gratitude to our incredibly hard-working staff, our supportive customers, and everyone involved throughout this ongoing battle in China, Hong Kong, and The Dominican Republic. It is because of their positive and kind-hearted attitude, we have been able to overcome many difficulties and set the standards of how to keep employees safe, while maintaining efficient and productive operations so we can continue to deliver the products we make to our customers.
And as I always tell the team, we have come a long way, achieved a lot but it is a journey so we still got a long way to go!